Efstathios Iosifidis
Jr Project Manager, Jr Business Analyst
With a background in veterinary medicine and a current focus on Applied Informatics, I bring a diverse skill set and a unique perspective to my role as a Junior Project Manager, ensuring efficient project execution through strong organizational skills and attention to detail.
Phone: +30 6999311075
Email: eiosifidis@gmail.com
Website: http://iosifidis.gr
GitHub: iosifidis
LinkedIn: Efstathios Iosifidis
Work Experience
Netcompany-Intrasoft, Thessaloniki, Greece
Business Analyst Intern (11/2023 - 01/2024)
- Analysis of code and functionalities of existing systems with the ultimate goal of capturing subsequent functional specifications and business processes
myUoM (https://my.uom.gr/), Thessaloniki, Greece
Project Manager (07/2022 - 09/2022)
- Collaborated closely with Open Source UoM team developers to create a comprehensive application for students (project still developing)
- Actively participated as a developer alongside project management responsibilities
- Communication with stakeholders
Veterinarian, Thessaloniki, Greece
Veterinarian Pathologist (03/2017 - present)
- Expertise in diagnosing and treating animal diseases, conducting laboratory analyses, and providing comprehensive veterinary care
University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece
Applied Informatics - Information System (2020 - 2024)
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (2004 - 2017)
Volunteer Experience
Google Developer Student Club Lead, University of Macedonia
(2023 - 2024)
KDE Akademy organizing committee
(Oct 2022 - July 2023) KDE Akademy is the annual conference of the KDE community
Open Source Team UoM founder
(Nov 2021 - present) Open Source Team UoM
FOSSCOMM organizing committee
(Nov 2021) FOSSCOMM 2021 - An annual conference organized by Greek Free/Open Source Software communities
Google Summer of Code Mentor
(Mar 2019 - Aug 2019) Google Summer of Code - The missing features of NextCloudPi: Automatic installation and integration of several apps on NextCloudPi and implementation of new features and options
GUADEC organizing committee
(Aug 2019) GUADEC 2019 - The GNOME Users And Developers European Conference is an annual conference taking place in Europe
Open source community contributor
(2010 - present) - GNOME, KDE, Ubuntu, openSUSE, Fedora, ONLYOFFICE, Nextcloud, GNU Health, ownCloud
Awards and Certifications
- University of Macedonia Gender Equality and Anti-Discrimination Committee Member (Apr 2023 - Present)
- Student Representative in the Assembly and Deanery (Jan 2023 - Dec 2023)
- Award for best app in Mobile Application Development (Sept 2023)
- Honored for admission to the university with the highest grade in exams from evening vocational high school (Sept 2020)
- CyberOps Associate (Cisco)
- Basic principles of digital marketing (Google)
- Gamification as a tool for health professionals for psychosomatic support of patients (ERASMUS +)
- Official member of the open source community: openSUSE, Ubuntu, Fedora, GNOME, Nextcloud, ONLYOFFICE
- mySystemHealth (Aug 2023 - present) - Streamlined script for updating Fedora and openSUSE GNU/Linux systems. GitHub
- Physio+ (Mar 2023 - Jun 2023) - An android application for physiotherapists. GitHub
- myUoM (Jul 2022 - Sep 2022) - Interactive info system for student-Uni interaction. GitHub
- Firetell (Mar 2022 - Jun 2022) - Hybrid AI models with ML, big data, and IoT for forest fire prediction and management. GitHub
- Animal Shelter Manager livecd (May 2012 - Aug 2012) GitHub
- PCLinuxOS Medical livecd (Nov 2011 - Dec 2011) GitHub
Organizational / Communication Skills
Public Speaking, Leadership, Decisionmaking, Team Player, Project Coordination
Technical Skills
BPMN, DMN, GANTT, UML, SCRUM, Linux, Git, Docker, Python, C, SQL, PHP, Java, JS, Networking.